
Description of the solid ion conductors 

Determining the dimensionality of migration map of the cation for your crystal structure free
Upload CIF file and get the dimensionality of migration map of the cation for your crystal structure

Сation migration paths in inorganic fast-ion conductors (geometrical/topological parameters) ($60/structure)
Resting upon *.cif/*.res file with the crystallographic data on your crystal structure, we provide you with geometrical/topological parameters of the cation migration map (dimensionality, sizes of channels and voids) and the LIST of all possible migration transitions between all positions of cation.

Сation migration paths in inorganic fast-ion conductors (geometrical/topological parameters and figures) ($120/structure)
In addition to the information provided in the previous service, we illustrate migration map with high-quality figures of the migration paths suitable for publication.

Сation migration paths in inorganic fast-ion conductors (geometrical/topological parameters, figures and description) ($180/structure)
In addition to the information provided in the previous service, we give a detailed description of the geometrical/topological features of the migration paths.

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