Privacy Policy 

Privacy policy (hereafter – Policy) acts towards any information about a User that Topos-Expert LLC may receive from a User during his/her use of any websites, services, programs, products of Topos-Expert (hereafter Services, Services of Topos-Expert) and in the course of fulfilling contracts and agreements of Topos-Expert with a User. A User’s consent with the Policy expressed within relations with one of the listed persons extends to all other persons listed.

Using Services of Topos-Expert requires unreserved consent with the present Policy and all conditions of personal information processing. In case of a User’s dissent, he/she must refrain from using the Services.

1. Personal information of Users that Topos-Expert collects

1.1. Under the present Policy “personal information” means:
    1.1.1. Personal information that a User provides by himself/herself in the course of using the Services, including personal data. Mandatory information is marked specifically. Other information is provided by a User at his/her discretion.

    1.1.2. The data that automatically transmitted to the Services of Topos-Expert while using the Services with software installed on a User’s gadget including IP-address, cookies, browser version (or other program used for access to the Services), technical characteristics of equipment and software, employed by a User, date and time of access to the Services, addresses of webpages requested and other detailed information.

    1.1.3. Other information about a User required pursuant to the terms of use of certain Services of Topos-Expert.
1.2. The present Policy is only applicable to information being processed while using the Services of Topos-Expert. Topos-Expert does not control and shall not be liable for information processing performed by third party’ websites which a User may follow using links available on the websites of Topos-Expert.

1.3. Topos-Expert does not verify personal information provided by a User and has no opportunity to prove legal capability. However, Topos-Expert proceeds on the basis that a User provides true and complete personal information and keeps it updated. The consequences of provision of false, misleading or incorrect information are defined in Topos-Expert Terms of Service of (

2. Goals of processing personal information of Users

2.1. Topos-Expert collects and stores personal information necessary only for the Services’ delivery and performance of contracts and agreements with a User with the exception of cases when the legislation stipulates storage of personal information for statutory period.

2.2. Topos-Expert processes personal information for the following purposes:
    2.2.1. Identification of a party under the Services, contracts and agreements with Topos-Expert;

    2.2.2. Providing a User with personalized Services and performance of contracts and agreements;

    2.2.3. Communication with a User including sending notifications, queries and information concerning the use of Services, performance of contracts and agreements and processing of queries and claims of a User;

    2.2.4. Improvement of Services, their usability, development of new Services;

    2.2.5. Advertising targeting;

    2.2.6. Conduction of statistical and other studies based on depersonalized data.
3. Conditions of personal information processing and transfer to third party

3.1. Topos-Expert stores personal information of Users as contemplated in internal regulations of certain Services.

3.2. Topos-Expert stores personal information confidentially, except when a User voluntary shares personal information with the public. When using certain Services, a User agrees that some portions of personal information come into the public domain.

3.3. Topos-Expert has the right to transfer personal information to third party in the following cases:
    3.3.1. A User consents to transfer of personal information to third party;

    3.3.2. Information transfer is necessary for using a certain Service by a User or performance of contracts and agreements with a User;

    3.3.3. Information transfer is stipulated by the Russian or other applicable legislation in the framework of statutory procedures;

    3.3.4. Such transfer is performed within the sale or other transfer of business (in whole or in part), herewith all the obligations on observance of the present Policy are transferred to an acquirer in respect to personal information received;

    3.3.5. In order to protect legal rights and interests of Topos-Expert and third parties when a User violates Terms of service of Topos-Expert (, the present Policy or other documents that regulate terms of use of certain Services.

    3.3.6. When depersonalized statistical data are obtained as a result of personal information processing and transferred to third party for conduction of studies, delivery of works and rendering services by order of Topos-Expert.
3.4. Processing personal information of Users Topos-Expert relies on Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”.

4. Alteration and removing of personal information. Obligatory storage of data.

4.1. At any time a User can modify (update, add) personal information or its portion he/she has already provided using editing function in a certain section of a Service.

4.2. A User can delete personal information or its portion using data deletion function in a certain section of a Service. Thus, account deletion may cause unavailability of some Services of Topos-Expert.

4.3. The rights specified in the subparagraphs 4.1. and 4.2. of the present Policy may be limited in accordance with legal requirements. In particular, such restrictions may stipulate obligations of Topos-Expert to store modified or deleted by a User information for a period established by legislation, and transfer such information to a government agency in accordance with statutory procedures.

5. Personal information processing using Cookies and counters

5.1. Files “cookie” that Topos-Expert sends to a User’s computer (gadget) and vice versa may be used by Topos-Expert for rendering Users personalized Services, advertising targeting, for statistical and analytical purposes as well as improvement of the Services of Topos-Expert.

5.2. A User is aware of that equipment and software he/she uses to visit websites may refuse cookies (of any websites or of certain websites) and may delete previous cookies.

5.3. Topos-Expert has the right to ascertain that rendering of a certain Service is possible on the condition that a User allows receiving cookies.

5.4. A structure of cookie file, its content and technical parameters are defined by Topos-Expert and may be modified without preliminary notification of a User.

5.5. Counters allocated in the Services of Topos-Expert may be used for analysis of cookie files, for collection and processing of statistical information on use of the Services, as well as for ensuring availability of the Services as a whole and their certain functions in particular. Technical parameters of counters’ operation are defined by Topos-Expert and may be modified without preliminary notification of a User.

6. Personal information protection measures

6.1. Topos-Expert takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical protection measures of a User’s personal information from unauthorized or accident access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution and other illegal actions performed by third parties.

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Applicable legislation

7.1. Topos-Expert has the right to modify the present Policy. When modifying, the date of the last update is posted. New version of the Policy comes into effect immediately, after it is posted, unless otherwise stipulated in the new Privacy Policy. Current version of the Policy is available at

7.2. The present Policy and the relations between a User and Topos-Expert arising under or in connection with the present Policy are subject to the Russian Federation laws.

8. Feedback. Questions and suggestions

8.1. Any questions and suggestions about the Privacy Policy a User should send to Topos-Expert Technical Support ( or to the address Revolyutsionnaya St. 70, of. 50, 443080, Samara, Topos-Expert LLC.

Publication date: 30.06.2017

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