What to do with new topologies? 

    Exploration of the crystal structure topology becomes more and more popular and researchers often encounter topologies not described in the TTD collection. How to designate them, how to refer to them and how to be sure that your colleagues will be advised about them? Here we announce a strategy to resolve these problems.

  1. If you have found the message:

    New topology, please, contact the authors

    in the ADS output please email a ToposPro database {*.adm, *.cd and *.cmp files} with this structure to one of the authors of this manual.

  2. After checking the data we assign a code abcN to the topology, where abc (italic) is your three-letter personal identifier and N is the ordinal number of the topology you have discovered (e.g. smi12 that means '12th topology discovered by Smith'). If you have no identifier you can propose a name that will be assigned for all the structures deposited.

  3. The structure should be reported in papers always adding the number after the three letter in order to avoid any confusion with the three letter code of RCSR. It may be also useful to add the point symbol before the name to make the whole name more informative. E.g. (83)(6.58)-smi12

  4. The list of authors' personal identifiers together with contact information will be available at the ToposPro website. We also kindly ask the authors to provide us with the final reference where the structure will be reported.

  5. The novel topology will be included into the TTD collection and published in a two-week update of the personal.ttd database. Anyone who will download the database will be aware of the new topology.

  6. If the topology will further be included into other databases it will get other names according to the nomenclatures described above, but the initial abcN name will be retained as a proof of priority.

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